Identity and Access Management
Establishing an Identiy and Access Management system helps your company to get control over all people that need to access your IT systems.
Let us help you to design, build and run an IAM system.

Identity Lifecycle
A well design IAM system will help you to automate the process of getting the needed access rights when onboarding, moving and for people leaving the company.
We help you to design or get back control of your identity lifecycle.

Role Lifecycle
A well defined role and policy model is the "heart" of every Identity and Access Management system. To find the right balance between simplicity and flexibility is crucial. We can help you defining the right model that fits to your company.

Provisioning is the part of an Identity and Access Management system that takes care of provisioning the assigned rights and permissions to a user in your target systems (e.g. Active Directory, LDAP, Azure, Office 365, SAP, Mainframe). This process can be done via automation or manually by administration.

Establishing or running a well defined Compliance system is very important in nowadays. An Identity and Access Management system can help you to enforce and verify your defined rules and policies.
How can we help you
You can get in touch with us by using phone or e-mail: Contact
We can help you to design or redesign an IAM system that fits to your business needs.
Whether building a new IAM system or enhancing your current system, let us do it together.
Let us assist you do the daily business when running an IAM system. We can support your operations team or running your system as a service.
There is always room for improvement. Let's define new ways how to enhance your current solution, to make the most out of it for your business.